Exciting Changes at Homegrown Therapy: New Intensive Treatment Program for Children

Announcing…. A New Intensive Treatment Program for Children

Just like this world keeps changing into some thing I never could’ve imagined, so has my career changed over the years. Never did I imagine my right brain self would graduate from college and eventually open my own clinic, because what I wanted to offer didn’t fit into any environment available at the time. I ran it for 13 years and didn’t think I’d ever do it again- being an administrator took away from my passions to treat children and families, took emotional fuel from my own family life.

After 2 years of working for others, I started Homegrown Therapy, a mobile practice after realizing once again I wanted to offer some thing that didn’t exist, and was fortunate enough to have coworkers who wanted the same. It was getting kids and parents out in nature; it was seeing families at their homes to eliminate the stressors for for getting to appointments and better shape our sessions to meet their needs. For my own selfish reasons it gave me immense variety in my day. Shaping it as an employee cooperative gave us the freedom to manage our own schedule, caseloads and business. I never thought I’d need to change this formula!

For two years I’ve been learning and applying the techniques of MNRI- and seeing super cool, sometimes immediate results. Combining it with my familiar Craniosacral Therapy, it’s too exciting and compelling to ignore the potential to drastically support lasting change in the right direction, using an intensive model.

Intensive Treatment Program

Starting next week, I’m offering families an opportunity to intensely treat their children for six or 12 weeks. Three days a week they will get an intense experience of connecting their brain to their bodies with the daily repetition firmly supporting better regulation, coordination, balance and function.

This will be in our humble clinic, with our new location in Midtown, tucked into a culdesac abutting the Campbell Creek greenbelt so I can still do nature visits and outside appointments. I’m looking forward to seeing the progress, showing families what they can do at home to facilitate more progress, and being able to focus exclusively on just a few kids at a time without the distractions of organizing scheduling and paperwork while driving around town. 

I am still treating babies and a few special situations in homes I think it’s best practice, especially for feeding issues with newborns.

My coworkers are still working their therapeutic ways out in the community and homes

We welcome other interested therapists to reach out, as we have a plethora of families, reaching out with mobile clinic needs.

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